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Old 09-21-2010, 09:07 PM
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resource constrained project scheduling in Primavera

I am doing research on project scheduling and looking for a software can model a resource constrained project scheduling. Let me know if Primavera is able to do such a modeling.

Best Regards,

Mohammad Mahdi Shahbazi
Engineering Optimization Research Group
Omran Afzar Institute

Last edited by pmkb; 10-02-2010 at 08:52 AM. Reason: email address
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Old 10-02-2010, 09:13 PM
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Location: Puerto Rico
Posts: 13
Primavera as well as most software can do basic resource constraining. I can even do it, set all activities in tandem, none parallel and you got it.

The difference is on the optimization algorithm, some even say Primavera does not even attempt optimization, just a workable schedule.

It will be up to you to compare products as almost all will claim theirs is the best, but there are abysmal differences, it is not just "I can do resource leveling", is about a combination of best optimization algorithm and a set of resource modeling functionalities that work all in harmony.

Very few software can model shift work, partial assignments, skills and resource production and consumption that works in harmony with an optimization algorithm, then you can add other constraint types such as financial and you will get into very serious resource constraining.

The new trend, Genetic Algorithms, are not necesarily the best fit for this, this by word of mouth from a software developer.

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Old 10-02-2010, 11:08 PM
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Posts: 7
The problem has been solved using the well known ProGen/max standard projects.

Thanks for Reply

Mohammad Mahdi Shahbazi
Engineering Optimization Research Group
Omran Afzar Institute
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Old 10-03-2010, 06:57 AM
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Posts: 13
I see it as just another algorithm methodology, perhaps in its infancy, something like Genetic Algorithms or other Search Algorithm.


Can you give me a list of practical commercial applications that are using it so that perhaps I can make some simple down to earth schedule comparisons?

I do not really understand your question; you ask a question and immediately answer it, what were you really looking for?

Did Primavera solved your issues? If not I would like to understand what resource allocation problem you are looking for an answer? I would like to test the problem in other software, to see if can be solved by any mature commercial application.

Best regards,

Last edited by davilara; 10-03-2010 at 07:18 AM.
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Old 10-03-2010, 07:29 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 7
Actually it is a new combinatorial algorithm which minimizes the project total cost and duration as well. I was just looking for a software which does the same but I didnt find anything. Eventually, I found some standard problems named ProGen/max. They are some standard projects for algorithm evaluation.

Best Regards,
Mohammad Mahdi Shahbazi
Engineering Optimization Research Group
Omran Afzar Institute
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Old 10-03-2010, 07:53 AM
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Location: Puerto Rico
Posts: 13
Thanks, I believe now I got it.

Try looking under "Time-cost Trade-off" as a keyword, this might yield more hits.

Many years ago in the 70's a few software have some functionality to deal with the issue but was abandoned, perhaps because real life problems are not as easy.

There are many ways to crash a schedule, not just by linearly compressing activities duration, but by changing logic, by use of additional work shifts, by adding a work day to your week, by adding more resources (a function of cost but not all), by subcontracting a portion of work and the list can go on.

Does gen means some genetic algorithm that works for small dimensions? I understand some of these algorithms are not practical for dealing with real life jobs of thousands of activities. Have you tried it with very few activities, say 600 the average amount for my wheelbarrow jobs, what about 100,000 activities the limit of already obsolete P3? What about a portfolio of several jobs, each with thousands of activities. Are you harmonizing all resource loading functionalities such as replacement of resources by skills, skills with different productivities, partial assignments and the other well-known functionalities or just a theoretical and simplified problem?

Kind of a monumental task, I shall take my hat off to show my respect for the Operations Research scientist.


Last edited by davilara; 10-03-2010 at 08:12 AM.
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Old 10-03-2010, 09:36 AM
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Posts: 7
You know, the algorithm I have proposed, just increases the duration of some activities to use the available resources as much as possible. As a result, some activities can begin in parallel. finally the total duration of the project will be shortened and the total cost will be decreased as well. the ProGen/max projects contain up to 1000 activities, so they have enough fitness to the real life projects.

Mohammad Mahdi Shahbazi
Engineering Optimization Research Group
Omran Afzar Institute
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Old 10-03-2010, 11:22 AM
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Location: Puerto Rico
Posts: 13
Do not exactly follow you but would like to add that merely by increasing resources you reduce activity duration, is a fallacy.

Schedule activities usually are performed in crews, at times a crew consist of a major piece of equipment such as a concrete pump and a few laborers plus an operator. You cannot increase crew production by 50% by providing 1.5 concrete pumps, you have to select another crew with another pump capacity.

If not a construction oriented job then just think about the following statements.
  1. If one woman can get birth to one baby in one month, will nine deliver a baby in one month?
  2. If one airplane can get my son and me to New York in 3 hours, can two planes get us in 1.5 hours?
Good luck, but keep your feet on the ground if you want your research to be relevant and not another Phd. thesis getting dust in the library. There is much need for practical research that will provide us with the tools, please go for it, and keep comunicating with us, the end user.

Best regards,
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Old 10-03-2010, 01:50 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 7
The points you have mentioned are axioms. There are some assumptions in each research project. The research project I'm working on, is an extension of another research. I hope someone finds it useful and likes to extend it one another step ahead. This is the way that research is improving our life.

Mohammad Mahdi Shahbazi
Engineering Optimization Research Group
Omran Afzar Institute
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